Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Today Kate had her 4 month checkup (a little bit late - all of us mamas have finally returned to work at my office) and she is perfect! As you can see, she is having no problem growing!
Weight: 16 lb 5 oz (90th percentile)
Length: 26 inches (95th percentile)

These pictures aren't the best quality because they're all from my phone (my mom is so great about texting me pics all day!) but they still show her cuteness :)

She had 2 vaccines again (Prevnar, DTaP/Hib/IPV) and she will get them all right on schedule because they are SO IMPORTANT :) She cried, but only for a few seconds and was even smiling at me as we left the office. I gave her some Tylenol before her shots and she's sleeping now...hopefully no sore legs tonight or tomorrow!
She doesn't EVER sleep in the bed with us because cosleeping is so dangerous, but she does love to cuddle when she wakes up in the mornings :)

Speaking of sleep, we've made a tiny bit of progress! She is taking more milk during the day for my mom and is eating rice cereal as well, so I no longer feel that she needs to "catch up" during the night (let me remind you - 16.5 pounds!!) I finally got brave one night and decided that I would try to let her cry a bit. Well the first time she woke, I chickened out (actually, my middle of the night reasoning told me I could lose 15 minutes of sleep by getting up and nursing her, or lose the same 15 minutes by listening to screaming. I chose the first option...) However, 20 minutes after feed/change/back to sleep, she woke up, so I let her cry and watched the clock. ONLY 4 MINUTES and she was sound asleep. The next night, 3 minutes of crying. Last night, she awoke after 4 hours (usually it's 3), only cried for 1 minute, then slept 2 more hours. I FINALLY got a 6 hour stretch out of her! 
I realize that's a lot of detail, but I'm super excited, and this blog is kind of my journal of Kate and I like looking back and reading how things were :)

She is having great days with my mom and dad! My dad informed me yesterday that "You know, when Kate is a little older, we're going to take her on vacations with us during the week while you work. She'll love it!" We'll see, I don't think I can ever part with her overnight, so I'll put my vacation time to good use ;)

She has been WONDERFUL!! She has been such a good girl for my mom and is getting on more of a schedule. She is all smiles all the time, is holding onto toys, babbles entire stories to us and responds to certain songs I sing her! I know I've mentioned she loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but listen to this. At the beginning of the show, Mickey comes walking down the sidewalk "towards the camera" and says "Well hey everybody" in his crazy voice, and every single time, she smiles SO BIG! Y'all, it's the cutest thing in the world, and we watch her do it every morning when we start her show while we get ready for work. It amazes me that she already recognizes that, and I'm thrilled that it seems that she'll love Disney as much as I do! I can't WAIT to take her there :)

Still chewing on everything (Sophie le giraffe is a new favorite) and still no teeth. Also loves playing in this awesome exersaucer!
Life is wonderful with our precious baby doll! Also, Brett started a new job this week. He's the operations and sales manager at the Mets spring training facility, so he is definitely in his element there and so excited to be using his degree!

Our Christmas tree is up, Christmas cards are ordered, and Kate will meet Santa on Saturday.
Happy December!

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