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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Out with the old...

My car was getting older, a new baby is on the all know how it goes. It was time for a new car for me. But, as many of you know, I HATE change, so it was hard for me to replace my car that was with me during most of college, drove me to my first real job, took many roadtrips, drove me and Brett to our honeymoon flight, drove Laura to her add in pregnancy hormones! However, I really do LOVE my new car and don't regret our trade one bit! It only took one drive around the parking lot for me to realize that this new car means great new gadgets inside the car :)
Sad the night before trading in my car...
Me signing papers for my first big girl purchase! Don't worry, my Dad was there (Brett was working), 2 steps away :)
With my new car (and old car in the background)


  1. Well, what can I say? Changes are inevitable, but some changes bring about good things. This is certainly one of those. Your new car looks great, and congratulations on getting it.

    -Penny Geist

  2. Don’t feel too bad about replacing your old car. Look on the bright side: it’s much more economical to buy a new one than have your old car repaired and its parts replaced all the time as it keeps aging. Enjoy your car and keep safe!

    Carry Demaggio
