Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

11 months/Keys trip

Whoa, we've been busy and the blog is behind! Lots of fun around here, so I'll try to catch up. Kate turned 11 months and we headed to the Keys for a vacation!

Dear Kate, You are now 11.5 months and I don't know how it's really possible, but I love you more and more every single day. You are so curious, social, loving, happy and precious...I really can't get enough of you. These days, you're eating better and blueberries are still your all time favorite. You are walking everywhere by yourself and sometimes running. Slow down sweet girl! You say "hi" to every person in a store, you smile SO MUCH, and you still get a kick out of the dogs. Maggie is your best friend :) You have 6 teeth and wear mostly 12-18 month clothes and size 3 diapers. You have slept through the night a couple of times (YEA YEA YEA!!) but usually wake just once. You have 4-5 words and you follow simple commands - it is incredible how quickly you learn new things. You have such a sweet voice and my heart completely melts when you say "nigh nigh nigh" when you're ready for bed (night night). You bring so much joy to our lives and I am so thankful you made me a mama. This is the best job in the world.

We had a great time in the Keys - there was yucky weather the first few days but then it cleared up nicely. Kate loved walking around and exploring! 

She didn't love her little pool as much as I thought she would...unless she got to soak someone. Uncle Jeremy taking one for the team ;)

Breakfast with PopPop. Yes, she looks tired because she slept terribly - like, no more than 1-2 hours at a time at night. I got more sleep when she was a newborn. Nights were fun. 

Brett was working the first few days, but this is most of us before dinner

Afternoons in the hot tub. Kate now waves "hi" and "bye" all the time!

Holly is one of Kate's favorite people!! Kate says "hi" to everyone, but Holly gets a 2 syllable "hi hoi" every time :) Holly is also the one who got Kate to start waving bye bye consistently :)

Feeding the tarpon at Robbies

Alligator lighthouse

She was so entertained by a dog in a life jacket on a jet ski!

We really didn't want vacation to end! We were back home for the 4th of July, and Kate actually liked the fireworks, then some good family was in town this weekend, so I'll be back with more pictures soon!

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