Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, April 22, 2012

9 months

Dear Kate,
You are 9 months old! I can't believe it. To be honest, I really haven't wanted this "3/4 of a year" age to hit because it just seems less baby, but you have made 9 months amazing! We love you to pieces and with your personality, your new milestones, and your improved sleeping habits, I'd say you're perfect :)
This sock monkey is the first toy I was suckered into buying... we found it at Target and it sings a ridiculous Rihanna song and waves its arms. You CRACKED UP and so of course, we brought it home :) I know, it's only the beginning!

Currently, some of your favorite things are the dogs (especially when they jump and splash in the pool), getting in the water, singing sock monkeys, your light up piano, balls and blocks, stroller walks, and moving EVERYWHERE! You smile so much now and it's awesome. You are good at crawling, but you're even better at cruising. You hold onto things with sometimes just one hand and you practically run! Yesterday, you stood independently for 12 seconds and also took 2 steps. You just want to walk so badly and you're getting close, but slow down a little bit fall an awful lot!

You have entered a whole new world of eating! You have never been a great baby food eater - mealtimes were always a bit frustrating because there was no rhyme or reason as to what or how much you'd eat (have I told you how strong willed you are?!) but now you've graduated beyond the purees. These days, you pretty much only eat pieces of soft fruits, veggies and meats and maybe a little cereal and you're eating so much better! You let us give you pieces and you feed yourself too (using your fist). Today you ate a prune pancake (yum! ha!), blueberries, a peach, peas & carrots, grapes, avocado and puffs. You like water from your sippy cup and you're still breastfed. 

Rinsing off in Nannie's sink outside - you love it!
Happy on a walk

You also wave bye-bye now!!! It is the cutest thing in the world and since you just learned, you practice all day long :) When we walk across the street to Nannie and PopPop's, you smile so big as soon as we get to their driveway! You laugh hard when I kiss your toes and when I "zzzzzzippp" your jammies. You are also having a little separation anxiety when I pass you to someone else or put you down. It makes me sad to see you sad, but it's also sweet you know I'm your mama. Don't worry, you cheer up if you go outside! Sometimes you get to hang out with Daddy in the mornings after I leave if he goes to work a little later, and you love your time with him - you're a really good helper for him watering the plants and walking the dogs. Your wardrobe overwhelms him a little, so sometimes I lay out your clothes if he dresses you, but you must give him fits getting dressed because your clothes are on backwards!! That's OK, he's learning :)

Enjoying an afternoon with Tanya and James

You still really love the pool! You have no fear - you'll literally lean right into the pool if we let you, and you sometimes dunk your face. So, we're starting swimming lessons soon!

You hair is getting a little longer and I can finally kind of clip a barrette in! I've waited my entire life for a baby girl with a little bow, so even if these only stay in for 5 minutes, I'm still excited. At night after your bath when I'm dressing you, Daddy brushes your hair with your sweet silver brush PopPop bought you, and he is so meticulous about it. It's one of my favorite things. Most nights you go down about 830 and wake up about 7, waking once (occasionally twice) in between. Thank you for sleeping better!!

Every single day, I think that I couldn't love you more, and then the next day comes and I do. You make our lives so much better and you're such a blessing to us all. You have a strong personality and I love that. You definitely have some Taylor in you! I've never been a very patient person, but sweet girl, you have taught me patience like nothing else in my life :)
 I can't wait to show you the world and teach you about the wonderful things in life like boat rides, sunsets, puppies, snow, playdoh, the Gators, Disney World, and ice cream :) I wake up each morning excited to see your beautiful smile and your little arms reach out to me. Thank your for making me a mama and for being mine. 
I love you. 

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