Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

37 weeks

37 weeks. FULL TERM!! It is so crazy to think that we could have a baby any day now. I'd rather it not be this week because my boss is on vacation still and we really don't want to have to close an office if I go into labor, but after Friday, game on :) 

Honestly, I think this part of the pregnancy is really fun - all fears are gone, knowing that baby girl is developed enough to do well at any point now, and just waiting and wondering when our big day is! I know I'll really miss this....feeling her kicks and tumbles and having indescribable anticipation for meeting her. We're getting the last few things ready and doing those things that we know will be put off for a while - going to the movies, out to dinner, and trying to sleep in, although 7:30 on a Saturday after waking up 5 times for bathroom runs and fake (yet strong enough to wake me up) contractions overnight may not count ;) That's OK, I'll take it.... a thousand times over. This pregnancy thing is so incredible and it's only going to get better from here. I never knew we could LOVE a little mover (who we've never met) THIS MUCH!
We had a great 4th, relaxing at my parents' with my inlaws. Dad made a bunch of BBQ (because that's what he does for fun, on his gigantic cooker the size of a boat that stays parked in our backyard)! Great, relaxing day with good people! Jeremy's birthday is July 4, but he was in Gainesville with friends and Scotty because, I guess, they're more fun than a 9 month pregnant sister. Happy Birthday to him!
 My father in law, Mike, who LOVES our dogs and will only swim in the pool if Buddy can swim too :)
And that is a 37 week pregnant belly.

My body is playing tricks on me - I'm feeling cramps and pressure and spasms that I can't even describe; not painful but like nothing I've felt before. I realize I'm carrying a huge watermelon baby, but it's just amazing what goes on in these last few weeks. I have my weekly appointment tomorrow, so I'll keep you posted! Pray for us as D-Day approaches!

This past weekend, we also got to spend time with some of Brett's family, which was wonderful.
 Waiting for dinner
 Kelci, Luke, & Sloan with their Pop-Pop
 With sweet Kelci, who kept randomly coming up to me saying, "Let me see yo baby" while lifting up my shirt, followed with a "Oh, gettin' bigga." Everytime. 

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